Monday, November 8, 2010

Meeting with a Model turned Stylist

I had the great fortune of meeting and getting acquainted with Chriselle Lim. A model turned stylist, Chriselle is everything I want to be at her age. I know that I am capable of something great- I just haven't found it yet.  But seeing, meeting, talking and getting to know Chriselle has given me hope, encouragement and faith that my dream career is out there.  It is amazing to see what she does and she is only one woman!

All my life I have been surrounded by successful women and I am happy that I have a great support system.  My mom, my sisters, my cousins and my teachers have equipped me with skills, life lessons, experience and knowledge that I will indoubtedly take with me in pursuing every opportunity that comes my way.

For every positive there is a equal negative

Great news, I'm now a Fashion Editor!

FVM Global Magazine Masthead:

Downer: I have so many bills and Alex is sick. Repairs are going to amount to a minimum of $400.00 so I'm not looking forward to scraping every penny I have, but Alex needs to get better. Alex takes me everywhere, I love my car!